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Academic Awards

  • R. David Middlebrook Graduate Fellowship, California Institute of Technology, Aug 2020.
  • Caltech Engineering and Applied Sciences Division Fellowship, California Institute of Technology, Mar 2020.
  • Tau Beta Pi Fellowship, Tau Beta Pi, Apr 2020. [News] [Ann.]
  • IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Undergraduate/Pre-Graduate Scholarship, IEEE MTT-S, Feb 2020. [News] [Ann.]
  • Radio Club of America Scholarship, Radio Club of America, Feb 2020.

Research Awards

  • Carver Mead New Adventures Fund [Ann.]
  • Roger P. Webb ECE Undergraduate Research Award, Georgia Institute of Technology, Mar 2020. [Ann.]
  • Eta Kappa Nu Innovation Scholarship, IEE-HKN Beta Mu Chapter, Feb 2020.
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Travel Grant, American Geophysical Union. [Ann.]
  • President's Undergraduate Research Award, Georgia Institute of Technology, Dec 2017 [Ann.] and Aug 2019. [Ann.]
  • Opportunity Research Scholars Program Peer Review Award, Georgia Institute of Technology, Apr 2019. [Ann.]
  • European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS), EIROforum CERN Special Donated Prize, Sep 2015. [News] [Ann.]
  • Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) National Secondary School Research Contest, First Prize in Applied Physics, May 2015. [News]
AGU Presentation
Giving a presentation as a travel grant winner at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019
ORS Peer Review Award
Receiving the Peer Review Award at the Georgia Tech ORS Banquet 2019
Receiving the CERN Special Donated Prize at EUCYS 2015